Saturday, April 09, 2005

Hemroid commercial song "Ring of Fire"? Is that Wrong?

There are to many commercials to prodcts I dont even understand. Watching my tellie the other day I was bombarded with images of couples hugging and laughing after they had taken a product that cured them of.....what? They didnt even explain the pill! They expect hypcondriacs to go out and by their products because they fear for the disease that they dont even know the cure is for!
Now Im calm. TV can be called an intellectual wasteland. Alas and yore its mostly true. Reality TV has taken over where sitcoms once riegned. The Amazing Race, Survivor, Fear Factor, The Apprentice etc. The list goes on and on. While sitcoms are slowly fading into the background. With a few exceptions of course. The Simpsons has to be one of the best written shoes in history. Since 199o it has brought us controverisal and hilarious episodes.
The song "Blue Monday" is played for a Mars bar commercial. Huh? Since when does a song about breakups have anything to do with some idiot wandering around with a chocolate bar making all the lights go on? That brings me to another derranged and possibly off topic point. Teen queens recording albums. I am absolutly sick of it. Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff and many more are now increasing thier popularity by selling albums to pre-teens. While real bands get dropped from thier labels, these little princesses record an album of computerized whining. Ugh. Which saddens me greatly. Its like Milli Vanilli.
You must remember them my sweet Devils Roses'. The infamous lyp-synching scam that took away thier grammy. Well now technology has changed all that! You just have too look good and dance well and boom! You're a singer. Your voice could be absolute crap. All the producers have to do is put your voice in the computer, digitalize it til it sounds like something you hear outta Star Trek and then you get a number one single! Yaay!
So whats this about? I forget. But thats beside the point my long legged audience. The point is that somethings in our world just should not be. If your a struggling band trying to get a record deal, how much does it suck to be denied so some good-looking bozo can make more money for the company.
I will leave you now because I need to be fed. So my Boulvine Betties, try not to get sucked into the commercial void. Get off the consumer treadmill and find something you can truly support. Or have tapioca. Either way youre making a diffrence.
Also Johnny Cash ate tapioca.
My head burns. boo-urns. whatever. nevermind. COBAIN.


Anonymous said...

no kiddin, whats with all these losers making albums lately. I mean for goodness sake, we dont wanna hear your crappy music Hillary Duff!

Anonymous said...

yeah, reality TV is pretty lame too.. at least Seinfeld was good, the amazing race and survivor is just junk.

Anonymous said...

wow, you noticed that was Blue Monday too? thats crazy, haha, thats Hilarious, i totally agree, its got absolutely nothing to do with some bum eating a Mars Bar.

Erroneous Monk said...

Im a music freak. I notice most song titles right away. KEEP POSTING YOUR COMMENTS OR GARASH WILL EAT YOU!

Anonymous said...

it's just very sad that a pretty face and a finely shaped "groove thang" are the only pre-requestites to launching a platinum selling music career these days. Leaves me longing for the good ol' days, when talent and insight outweighed the aformentioned booty factor; and natural aptitude on an instrument or vocals was more important than a good synthesizer computer jockey. Ahh, the good old days, back when you could buy a coke for a nickel and a caddie for 2 large, those were the days.
Gorash!, TPO those were some good times, back in the day, good times

Anonymous said...

hahahhahaahhahahahha. you guys are awesome, nice new colour scheme by the way. i like it, the old 1 was kinda bland

Anonymous said...

well, the last one wasnt that bad. This ones definately more colourful

Anonymous said...

yeah, like bak in the '30s. Many jazz singers, even now, are not slender. (sorry)