Thursday, March 10, 2005

Of Probst and Packing Peanuts

We all know Jeff Probst, the host of the hit reality TV show Survivor. But did you know that he was actually a courier in a box company in his youth? Jeff Probst was 12 years old when the Vietnam draft happened so of course his parents sent him to Battlecreek Michigan to work in a box factory.
For years young Jeff slaved away packing away boxes into smaller boxes. Continuely using his chisled good looks and good natured attidude to get ahead in life. Until one fateful day in the spring of 1987.
Jeff was packing away his boxes with packing peanuts when 18 peanuts fell of and fell to the ground. "How odd" the young Jeff Probst thought. Soon his break came and he carried these 18 packing peanuts into his break room. There young Jeffs mind started to blossom and bloom like a ripe olive.
By placing the 18 "survivors" on a box Jeff made them each do physical and mental challenges to gain something he thought of as "antibody". He later renamed it to "immunity". While he was pleased with the results of the peanuts he was saddend by their lack of intelligence and physical albility. Fortunatly for Jeff after spending 4 hours on his break playing with peanuts he was released from the box factory.
Now, we all know the Mark Burnett is the creator of Survivor but Jeff Probst is just so much cooler. And its my story so go eat an apple.
One day I and my Administrative partner II will be on Survivor. On the first day we will be naked and screaming. And when Jeff comes we plan on stealing his shirt and pants then running about the island screamin "I'M JEFF PROBST!". Soon we will be voted off. So that my little munchkins is of Probst and packing peanuts.

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