Monday, March 21, 2005


Why is it that every guy wants to kill something? Why does university, the place where we are supposed to be civilized, turn us into the killbots of hate that we are? I believe that our society destroys all that it means to be a man. Why do we hate our childhood because school keeps us in a box and then overmedicates us with ridiline if we step out of line, and then packs the most obedient off to university to further perpetuate the enslavement of the male spirit? Then we grow up into emasculated men who work in cubicles, cower at our wives, and then end it all with a pistol and a glass of rum with barbituates. Break free men. Go and run free in the forest and kill a small animal with your bare hands and then eat it. I speak metaphorically, but still my point stands. Throw aside this wossey man facade which corrupts our souls. We don't need to be macho men, but still be strong. That is what guys are supposed to be. I want to go and climb a mountain right now, yet alas it is late and I have school work to do. What a perfect example. Why not just call me a gelding to the school system. So men, chop off the hand that will emasculate you before it is too late. Down with Louraina Bobit. I need to go pick a fight with a burley russian. Good day gentlemen.

the philosopher one

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a gelding to the school system.