Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Infinitely unfathomable

No area begins life as a rotting slum; no building is created dilapitated. Matters appear much as they did the day before- just a little nastier than the last portrait stored in our short term memory.
No one intends to foster peeling paint, a rust-speckled car, or a failed marriage; these things just happen while we fail to exert the effort to properly maintain the object of concern.
If however, people are going to notice and effect change in any state of affairs, they will do so nearly immediately. Once material objects, or indeed relationships have gone unnoticed and unaddressed for a sufficient time, they simply become part of the landscape.
The human mind has a curious method of assimilating objects that have ceased to be novel- there exists little likelihood that it will be much different today then it was yesterday; so we simply react to it from memory.
The citizens of Nepal, or the Bedoins of Arabia find nothing noteworthy or altogether spectacular about the Himilayas, or the vast expanse of the Saharan desert. Fishermen as well, find nothing grandiose about the roll of their vessel atop the waves, or the unfathomable sprawl of the ocean. The witnessed phenomena remains unchanged; it is the person recieving this sensory input which has changed-
wonder and novelty seem to be intrinsically entwined.
The human mind seems to be nearly offended by the concept of wonder, as though it were a cutting insult to be presented with something beyond it's ability to name and categorize; to comprehend and define-
a thing to admire, rather than master.
It seems then, a gesture of spite, this blinding to those things beyond our scope and grasp, as a means to isolate ourselves from the sensory overload that is, amasement.
We call these things death, or ocean, mountain, god, or universe.
A working concept much more comfortably functional and infinitely less complex-
unfathomably less wonderous, than the named itself.


Good fellows!
I have discovered something the likes of which this world has never before yet seen! This something is so Earth shattering it may infact doom all of Human kind! This something will bring about the destruction of us all, and because of it, we shall all voluntarily lay down and give up our very lives! Of course, I can't tell you what it is, but at the end of 'RadioHead's' "Just" video, there is a frame of film which shows "Dick's Restaurant." ... Oh, and giant ants have enslaved humanity or something, I forget.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Our Forefathers Hands


Life was no better at any time in Human history since we left the Garden of Eden than it is now. The history of mankind has followed a logical progression in both the happiness of each individual, and the state of our technology. Were the Human race to be wiped off the face of the Earth, as it was nearly in entirety in the time of Noah, and a new identical breed of Human beings were created, those Human beings would have done just as we had in our history.

The heart of man is essentially dark in that greed is what propels and drives us. At one time, this was a positive quality, It kept us alive, it sustained mankind through our infancy. Greed is the single quality that can be seen throughout our history. The first Human being could not help but to reach up and pick the apple, and his son, in his malice, killed his very brother. Though this quality may have sustained humanity, it has, in fact, become a burden. Greed has gotten in the way of progress with the invention of developed societies, where many millions of us can live where only hundreds did before. This is a flaw in mankind. This is a flaw in ourselves.

Rather than learning to love, we have only been consistent in our hatred of each other. I am, in fact, saying it is impossible to change. I am not, however, saying we should give up, and do nothing. Until this flaw is bred out of us, or given up voluntarily, we will never have the ability to function is large Societies. What is needed, is for us to leave the city, and seek our happiness elsewhere, in the country. Mankind existed for centuries in small societies, tribes, in America and Africa. The same people that adapted to their environment in Europe and Asia, bringing the glories of mercantalism to America and Africa, existed once in small, functioning, hierarchal communities.

Human beings, following the European style of life, have moved into large city centers, and have lost sight of any hope of happiness that our forefathers may have had with the exploration of new lands. Changing the heart of man is a futile endeavor, and this was recognized by even the Saviour of mankind. Human beings have needs that could never be met through life in a City, and this is the reason so many of us feel unfulfilled at the end of our day. We need to work, and we need to feel as though we belong. Contrary to belief, neither of these needs can be met in the City.

It is difficult to imagine how mankind could exist, let alone be happier living outside of Cities, however concittering the nature of human beings, this is not a far- fetched concept. The life of a man is, and always was, a mundane one, only now it is equally as unfulfilled. This unfulfillment came to be through the invention of our technology, and in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, the same technology that 'made us who we are' is to be cast out, along with our will to recreate it. The same human qualities that brought about the creation of these technologies is what is destroying us, not simply the technology. The technology is only a symptom of this issue, and this issue is hopefully what will be dealt with.

Let the people cast out their technology; throw away their television, and persue a greater existence. Let the people leave the City, and live a justified, fulfilled life on the Earth they now destroy in the same persuit, through the invention of technology. Let the people live well, as they were meant to, by God.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Give me that Old Time Nihilism

So, as I was walking about campus today I ran into a militant vegan...and I've caught your attention.

I had found a pamphlet concerning the maltreatement of animals in slaughterhouses urging people to cut back on meat and lobby the government for better/more sanitary conditions for the animals that we eat. I agree that our food animals should be kept in cleaner conditions and not tortured as they may be in some cases, but it was the conversation with the Vegan Marine that almost made me puke.

He explained to me that his organisation was for the elleviating of all suffering around the world. This sounded like a pretty good idea until I asked him why he would not rather spend his time elleviating the pain of say Somalians and Rwandans (ie humans) to which he answered and this is a quote, "there is no difference between a Somalian and a chicken". I refrained from spitting in his face for this blantantly racist and animalistic comment. It is a sad day when the rights of humans are considred less than the rights of animals.

The pamphlet also contained photographs of dead male chicks, ie chickens not allowed to hatch and the eggs merely smashed and the foetus left to die. They demonised this and arguably compared it to the Holocaust. This is made even more complex for the fact that the man also told me that for humans he is pro-choice. So he oppossed the abortion of chicken foetuses, yet woudn't think twice about killing a human foetus. The barbarity is almost laughable if my throat wasn't so full of vomit.

During the conversation, my firend asked him if he also oppossed the killing of trees. He said yes. I then asked him why he was wearing cotton clothing, and asked him where we stop in elleviating suffering. He said that it is a balance that humans must acheive by consuming only what is needed. For a minimalist he was suprisingly well dressed.

The greatest contradiction in this man's stance is that he did not want to tell anyone to stop eating meat altogether, just limit. No, if you believe that there is no destinction between humans and animals then every hamburger must be murder. In an attempt to be more politically correct and not offend anyone, he sufficiently castrated his argument beyond recovery. I left him politely, telling him that he wasn't as bad as PETA , but I am so shocked that someone could have lost his senses so badly that his opinion was just a flashy new gun shooting nothign but blanks.

I end with a summary of an aphorism from Fredrich Nietzsche's The Gay Science. In it there is a mad man running around with a lantern shouting that "God is dead, we have killed him". He then goes on to say that now that God is dead, "which way is up, which way is down, we shall all go spinning out of control" (these are not direct quotes). It seems to me that this society has completely lost its bearings. Humanists are bad enough in their faith that humans can achieve greatness through eductaion and progress, but these brutally disgusting animalist make me gag. They have no standard for what constitutes anything really. Give me a good old honest nihilist or someone who believes in God. Either God exists and we should try to figure that out or God does not exist and we should all go and do what we see fit which also sounds like a good old time. But, to create transient and inadequate systems of value based on fleeting ideologies is downright stupid and leads to the loss of what it means to be human, whatever that may be.

Eat drink and be merry or believe in God, or perhaps both at the same time, but don't feed me this vegan propoganda. Life is a hot steak not a chilled bowl of guspacho.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Right, wrong, and permissable

[He] claimed that crime rate has gone down because of abortions. That because most people who have abortions are in a lower class, our acceptance of abortion has effectively "nipped the problem" of crime caused by poverty by killing the criminals before they were born.

The idea that there could ever be made a mathematical or economic correlation between social groups, physical/mental/emotional disorders, and crime rates, or even general undesireability is absolutely ludicrous. No repudable economist would ever wade into the social quagmire that begins when you begin to assess value, or worth to society at large, by any of these, or any other external variances.
Given that we are talking about not only an intellectual idea of worth, but the actual threat of physical annihilation or sterilization, if indeed a sound economic link can be found; delving into the very real, very basic ideas at the heart of these theories becomes of vital importance to our society.

Let us first wade into the initial idea of creating a positive link between social position, and eventual worth to society. For the sake of brevity, a very preliminary scan of the offering of the lower classes, visible minorities, and the poor, illustrates the basic worth of these classes- if these classes had been eliminated through sterilization, or extermination, so many great contributions to society would have been missed; like those made by Martin Luther King jr, to cite only one example. As well think of the great contributions made by those who suffered from disease, or disorder, who, if this economost had had his way, would have been aborted because there was a likelihood that they could be a financial burden on society; Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Hawking, among so many others. Bear in mind also the vast array of artists, writers, and filmmakers who suffered from sometimes debilitating emotional or mental disorders, who's products would have been missed out on, had an economist told us that their paxil would cost the tax-payers $800 a month, for life, and had been aborted- Hemingway, Kafka, Plath, Van Gogh, Munch, and Picasso; and this to name only a very few.
This simply to prove what should be self evident, that when human beings classify other human beings as worthless, and exterminate them, we are all the less for it.

To address the second point, the supposed link between race, class, and crime level, I'll begin simply by saying this- that any economist who would make a broad socio-economic statement of this nature must be influenced by a deeper issue with minorities. While a link could be superficially made between economic want, and turning to crime to fill that void, so many more factors are involved that any economist who's degree is worth the paper it's printed on would not sully his name by getting involved in such a subject.
First, more reputable ecomomists have shown that regardless of base income levels, the same percentage of yearly salary is spent, that is, disposed of, across all income and class levels. All too often, as has also been proven, these levels of spending are too high, leaving people across all income brackets, proportionally in debt. For this reason, I would contend that it could be proven that regardless what income bracket you fall into, a sufficient cause for theft can still be made, as evidenced by the Enron, Worldcom, and high profile insider trading charges.
In fact, a strong link could almost certainly be found, showing that in many cases, the severity of thefts flow upwards; with the poor involved in petty theft, while the rich are involved in more substantial crimes.
As well, given the culture of entitlement pervasive in our upper and middle classes- found most often in our youth, contrasted with the close-knit, loyal family units found more often among poorer households, any sociological analysis would likely find that upper and middle class youth were in a higher risk category for crime than a more stable, though poorer one.
The popular conception, that semantics and philosophics aside; in the very harsh reality of our prisons, that this economists view can be justified by the simple fact that minorities make up a disproportionate percentage in our prison populations is fatally flawed. This view is unrealistic, naive, and desperately requires a deeper look.
Here in canada, whites do in fact make up a majority inside our prisons, hardly surprising in light of the fact that minorities make up such a smaller percentage of the population than south of the border. But upon further inspection, the United States prison records may in fact be skewed for different reasons.
The simple fact is that in the United States, more White peope are charged with crimes, than Black people. The fact that the latter make up a larger proportion of the prison population point towards an unjust court system, favouring the White over the Black, and the wealthy over the poor.
The popular conception that minorities commit more crimes than the white majority, is therefore deeply flawed, unless it can be proven that the police in the United States unduly arrest more innocent white citizens than they do black, a ridiculous argument based on past evidence on the subject.
For these reasons and so many more, grave doubt is cast on the basic assumptions of this economist; and, when it comes to a thing as final as abortion, sterilization, or extirmination, even a hypothetical few unjust exceptions to the rule, is unnacceptable.

Praising abortion, as this economist did, by claiming that by reducing the number of poor, often minority families, is having a significant effect on our crime rates, is simply not justifiable logically, or indeed morally. While in a society such as ours, where law determines what is permissable, rather than what is right, there can be found little legal justification for banning such acts; but justifying them with flawed logic, and a basis of class and racial stereotype is certainly wrong, and should definitely not be permissable.

Delay and Dear Lover (Social D)

Tom Delay has stepped down from his position as leader of the house. Wow. Only took him 4 months to realize he may not win that whole inditement thing. US politics is fairly amusing to me. Me being a Canadian, Suburbanite from the hippie side of the country. It seems that every other week theres a major scandal going on in the Bush Administration. But they always seem to come out smelling like roses. Or at least Febreeze.
Being Canadian, I realize that the political system is flawed all over the world. And seeing as how the government has been screwing people since some dude in Egypt decided he was a living god and should rule over the people. Canadian politics is like the US', but more watered down. Worst we got was Cretien and his golf balls. Sponsorship scandals are all well and good but wheres the meat? The sex, lies and video tape. Oops, almost forgot the Mulroney tapes.
Politics makes me happy. I enjoy watching these guys say one thing and do another. Politicians have been two faced since Rome became a republic. So it's not going to change. I believe Winston Churchill once said that democracy is the worst form of government. Except for all the others. And its true. Fascism works.....for a while. Until the great and mighty leader goes kaput and the country along with him. Communism is a wonderful happy dream. In realistic terms it fails quite badly. Only extreme manipulation of it to make it work is almost a parady of itself. Monarchies were fine...until people could read. Then it kinda went downhill til now only Saudi Arabia and Switzerland are the only aboslute monarchs. The rest are mere figureheads and images of a bi-gone era.
The world will never truly be at peace. Its just a fragile alliance of nations that keeps people from going anarchy on one another. There will always be one group that hates another. There must be an enemy. Its just part of the human morality and psyh that I'm not going to get into because A) I dont have the knowledge and B) I really dont care all that much. Society is flawed because humans are flawed, government is corrupt because people are corrupt, bananas grow upside down because theres just not enough gravity in south america.
Now, due to recent comments and such, you dont have to agree with me. In fact, you can argue my point to the brink of death. Problem is I wont care that much to respond. What I think is inconcequential. And what you think is totally up to you. Pro-life, pro-abortion, war hawk, peace dove, hippies, nazis we're all people. The world may be messed and it may never get fixed but theres one thing we can all agree on. Bananas are just too good to pass up.
My legs are behind my head.
PS. I never seem to have a point do I?

Friday, January 06, 2006

A Mere Bagatelle

Anonymous said...
"What an unconvincing argument you present. This economist found a correlation between abortions and the crime rate. He made no moral commentary on the topic. Are you upset that there is a correlation? Or, if you do not believ (sic) that there is a correlation present something on the matter. This is just drivel."
Oh, with what joy I recieved this criticism for my last posting. It seems that my A average at the University of British Columbia means nothing these days. I believe that this comment shows this in two ways. The first is that you damn kids don't respect nothin' no more. The second is that he/she is probably in fact a crack pot student of said university as it is full of vacuous ninnies. Anywho, I will answer this cowardly anon's questions. The first question as to my level of menstraul stress of my mind over a correlation is simply answered. Correlations do not bother me silly rabbit, murder does. You have sanitised the economist's view down to its most basic level without taking into account the more complex issues surrounding the entire abortion. I would ask you anonymous, do you consider a topic like this one of intellectual intrigue or do you have any kind of passion for a deeper understanding of what it means to be human?
Let me tell you a story ripped from the pages of Rousseau's treatise "A Discourse on Inequality". In it he tells a story of a man held in a cage and forced to watch a wild beast tear a baby from it's mother's womb. The man has no relational connection to the woman or the child, yet an empathetic response was necessarily elicited from him. His arguement from this story is that human beings are innately empathetic towards one another. That, I believe, is what LOVE is in part. I can see no point to academic or intellectual queries into the justifications of abortion or any kind of killing for that matter.
My little jittly may in fact be drivel, and I was not in fact trying to make an argument. I care about human beings and all the complex trappings that come along with them.
I believe that a struggle for peace is the most righteous activity that a human can undertake You, sir or madame, Mr or Mrs or Miss or Ms. Anonymous (see I cover my bloody PC bases), may say that I'm a dreamer, but I will tell you just as many before me have said that I'm not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one. That isn't logic, that's a dream, and no matter how hard you try to destroy that you will find yourself grasping at nothing but a zephyr.
A mere bagatelle, a mere bagatelle.

Hang Ten



I don't have a card, and I don't have a soul. I haven't got a piece of plastic the size of my palm, and therefore I don't exist. I am treated as if I were a dog, and am beaten, thrown, and killed. My body lies where it fell, with two holes in my belly the size of my thumb, and two holes in my back the size of my fist. I see a boot, black, walk past my blood-shot eye. I see another boot, black, fall in succession with the other, and as he walks past I see a badge. My blood is still, but I see through the dead of night a white truck into which the man steps. The omni-red and blue of the lights shine on my face. I can see my cheek light red, then blue. A sustained red, then nothing. A whole in the fence, Mexicana, 1994, and I am dead.


Crack, crack, ends the night. My eyes open, and I haven't the time to feel tired. The bullets sound as though they were traveling through water, as they tear the walls in two. Beams of light shine through the open holes in the wall, and for an instant I am unafraid. I hear the screams, and the cries of everyone around me. I know my assailant. I know the reaper is about me. A bullet tears the skin of my throat, enters, and exits out the rear as I stand. I fall back, and as my chest rises and falls, I can hear the air whistling through the gap, now temporarily filled with my left hand. I have time only to think of the pain before I feel the hand of the reaper on my shoulder, and the life leaves my body as my lungs empty of breath and fill with blood.


The morning is brought in with the thunderous sound of hooves on the soft soil. My eyes open, and I hear the sound of a bugle sounding the charge of Cavalry. I climb to my feet to the sound of my infant sons cries, and the sound of hooves and hollars. I take my son in my arms, his face wet with both our tears. As I come out into the early morning light I see my people running, screaming, and dying at the hands of a mounted oppressor. I run to my left, and I see the eyes of my sister, wide with fear. With a sharp pain, and the now silent screams of my infant son, I join the ranks of the dead. A horse, and man, and a saber. Blood, germs, and steel.


As I gaze over the horizon at the setting sun, I silently admire the beauty of the colour streaming over the ground, and staining the sky shades of yellow and red. I can hear toward the east the city, and all its wonders. It's markets, it's structures, and the streets I know all by name. I look back to the west, and the glare of the setting sun is suddenly interrupted by a pair of Soviet warplanes that seem to rise into endless space as they approach and pass over me. With blistering speed, they scream over my head, their cannons tearing, and shearing the building to the sand. I hear my brother yell, and I see others running. As the second aircraft passes, I hear a thunderous noise, and I lift my head from the sand to see a cloud of dust moving away in every direction from the site of the explosion. A column of fire rises to the heavens, and streams of smoke move off in every direction, arcing toward the ground before disappearing. Everyone is running, everyone is dying, and the thought hasn't crossed my mind to move an inch. A stream of fire comes from the heavens, felling dozens, and I try to move, but I am unable. Death has taken me, and I feel as though I were alive. I try in vain to grip the earth. My lungs are empty, my blood is still.


I turned my head up from my bowl, and out of the trees came nine men, clad in green, carrying rifles. I looked to my daughter, off to my right, playing in the trees. I looked at her and she stopped, turned, and stared at the men. I turned back to my left, and the men began to scream. They spoke in French, and in my terror I could not understand. Several entered each house. They threw me out, on to the ground, and kicked me. One pulled me up, then pushed me down, onto my knees. The other pulled my arms back, behind my head. They were still screaming, and I knelt there, terrified. They lit a bundle of straw, and held it to the roof of my home. They turned my head back straight, and screamed in my face. He put his hand to his waist, and swung a pistol back to my forehead. I fell backwards, and rolled to my side. I felt nothing.



Rushing to work, I fumbled my keys as I pushed the third from the keychain though the steel lock in my apartment on the third floor. I glanced briefly upon the newspaper I knew I had no time to read as I turned the key to the right, and waited for the low 'thump' I knew signified the locking the door. I don't know why I always locked my door. There had never been a robbery, and the only strange character was Miss. Roth three doors to my left. I entered the elevator with a woman I did not recognize. I pushed 'P,' and decided to inquire.'Hello,' I said.'Hello,' she replied.Second floor. I looked over again and inquired, 'Do you live here, or are you just visiting?' I said with a smile.'I'm just visiting my mother here,' she said, 'I'll be here until tomorrow, then I'm back to work in Chicago.''Oh, I'm from Chicago!' I said, lying.'Oh, really?' the woman said.'Yeah,' I said, 'I came here when I was offered a job at Pencey. I'm a commodities broker.'First floor. The doors open, and I quickly glance down her blouse before my eyes dart back. Surely noticing, she smiled politely and said 'I hope to see you around the building, then!''Ofcourse,' I said, 'perhaps we could go for some Coffee or drinks some time?''Well, I'll be pretty busy, I'm leaving tomorrow, but perhaps I could squeeze it in my schedule.' She replied, holding the doors open.'Great! So your in twenty-three?''Twenty-nine,' she replied, leaving the elevator. My mind suddenly returned to me, and I pushed 'P' twice more. The doors opened, and I stepped out into the garage. I turned left, past a Mercedes, and six spaces down, parked on a slight angle, was my car. I had just bought it, and the novelty of this new item was still with me. I unlocked the doors as I jogged slowly up to the drivers door. I opened the door, and in the corner of my eye I saw a blur of black and white. I looked up with my hand still on the door handle. There was a young man there, about 17, white, perhaps 195 lbs, 5'9. I took notice of these traits as I had been trained to through so many hours of watching 'Top 10 Most Wanted Criminals.' He said 'Hey man, gimme your wallet,' looking side to side. I reached back and slid my hand into my pocket.'Watch it, man, don't do any shit,' he said, pulling out a pistol, sounding aggravated. I pulled my wallet out and said ' I haven't got much.''Are you shittin'? I know who you are!' He yelled.'Look, I know you don't wanna kill me, so just calm down. Put away the gun, you don't have to do this!' I said, calmly, reenacting the many movies I had seen. There was a siren in the distance, and he looked as frightened as a child on a roller-coaster. Becoming increasingly more aggravated, he screamed 'Gimme it!' and briefly looked behind him, took a step backward, and fired. The truth is, I heard only half the sound when I fell over. I felt nothing. I saw nothing.


I open my back door and gazed out upon the pristine November snow, the surface of which being precisely eleven centimeters above the earth. I was invited yesterday to a Sunday lunch with my friend and his wife of twelve years, Aamu. My boots are on, and I walk out to see the rest of snow-covered Oulu. I move out into the alley, and turn to my left as I walk rather meanderingly down the sidewalk. I walk across the alley, and turn to my right. I walk up the back steps, and knock gently on the door. Noone answers. I open the unlocked door, and call out for my friend or his wife as I enter. I walk into the kitchen, and see a broken dish on the floor. I pick up the broken dish, and place is gently on the counter top. I call out again for my friend, and walk into the living room of the small, city house. I am startled to see a man, hunched over. He turns around, and sobbing, says 'I heard you come in.' beside him is the body of his wife.'What happened?' I ask.'We got into an argument,' he said, nervously, 'I didn't mean to.. She was screaming, and I was screaming, and she broke the plate, and I pushed her.. She threw the plate at me, and I hit her..'In shock and disbelief, I looked down on the sobbing, frightened man and said, 'We need to call an Ambulance!''No!' He said, with strange conviction. 'She's dead!''The Police then!' I replied.'No!' he said, 'Help me clean, noone will know!''Have you lost your mind?' I said, shocked. He stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders. She is bleeding badly, from many apparent wounds. He screamed 'Help me!''No!' I said, 'We need to call the police!'He pushed me, and I fell as I hit the counter.'We don't need the police!' he screamed, 'We need to hide her!'I stood up, and tried to move to the door as he jumped my back. I fell to the ground, and as I tried to stand, the air seemed to escape involuntarily. I fell back to the ground, and I realized I was unable to breathe. He stabbed me again in the abdomen, and again in the back. I looked foreward along the floor, with an expression of utter shock on my face. I could feel my life bleed through my wounds as the pain slowly subsided. I knew my life was stolen, and suddenly I drew a blank.


I turned the key, and the engine started with a bang. I shifted to reverse, and backed out of my driveway, into the street. I was headed to my grandmothers house. I turned left, out of the city, and down the street. I opened the window, and let the early evening air move throughout the car. I watched over the horizon, at the end of the long, empty road, the sun fall to the earth. The air became colder, and I glanced up to see the last beams of the sun bend over the horizon, and disappear. My car coughed, wheezed, and ground to a halt. I turned it off to the shoulder of the road, and with a sigh of depression, opened the door and walked to the hood. Completely incompetent mechanically, I opened the hood and peered in quizzically. I saw two headlights over the horizon, and walked up to the road and waved to get the attention of the driver. He slowed as he approached, then rolled past, and continued on his way. A near eternity later, I spied another pair of headlights. I stood up and waved. This time the driver pulled over beside me, rolled down the window and asked what the trouble was. I explained to him that I had no idea whatsoever, and he stepped out of the car. When he came out, I realized he had a shotgun. I stood deathly still, in complete shock. With a should of 'Take it, Nigger!' I fell over backward. He walked up to my still body, and fired again into my chest. He wrapped me in a large blanket and heaved me in the back of his car. After some time, the vehicle came to a stop, and he rolled me out onto the shoulder. He closed the door and rolled me to the side of the road, where I lay waiting.


The brisk air rushes in as I open the door to a bitterly cold Izhevskian morning. I step outside and walk to the sidewalk. I rub my hands together as I walk to the small market just down the street. I step into the store and the clerk smiles and says 'goodmorning!' I have seen her before. She lives in my building, though I rarely see her. She leaves very early. I can hear her every morning, walking down the hallway, the old floorboards squeaking under her. Occasionally we will have lunch, or a few drinks together. She came here from the east, three or four years ago, to work with her father here, in the market. I remember when she moved in. She was so nervous, she cried once, on my shoulder, because she was under the impression everyone thought poorly of her.'Goodmorning,' I said, smiling politely. She's very sensitive that way. If you seem at all sad, or depressed, she will make it her mission to cheer you up. Sometimes it's best simply to pretend.'What could I find for you today, Antolii?' she said, smiling, looking right into my eyes.'Oh, nothing really,' I said, still smiling.'Than to what could I attribute your visit to?''Well, honestly, I just felt like dropping by.''I don't believe you,' she said 'You never just drop by.''Alright, well, now that my plan was entirely foiled, I suppose i'll just have to come right out and say it.''Say what? That your madly in love with me? I already knew that, Anatolii..''Well, I was just wondering if you would like to get some lunch, or a drink?''I'd love to,' She said, taking off her apron. She leaned over and yelled into the back room to Alina, the baker.'I'm going to go get some lunch, can you take over?''Well, I'm not certain,' She replied, ' I might need you around here.''Oh come on, Alina!''Alright, Alright, go on, I'll be fine here!'Down the street about three blocks, on the right, was a small resteraunt. It wasn't bad, the food was good, the waitresses were nice, and it was always nearly empty, whenever I was there, anyway. I ordered a Sandwich and a bowl of warm soup, she ordered the same. I heard a ding as the front door opened, and an old man with two younger men, came in. They sat at the table next to us. The waitress came over and took their orders before stopping at our table and asking if we would like our glasses refilled. We both answered 'No,' and she wen't to the kitchen to deliver to order. With the passing of the sixtyfirst minute, a car stopped with a screech outside the glass window beside us. The men all turned, and one of the young men pulled the old to the ground, behind a seat. A spray of bullets flew in, as we leaned over to get behind the seat. I felt as though I had been hit in the chest. I could hardly breathe. I pulled my arms tight to by body, and looked down to see my rib protruding from my chest. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement. I tried completely in vain to inhale. I could hear the bullets ricocheting around, tearing the walls, shattering everything in their path. I could hear the screams of the waitress, and the cries of my Anatola. Everything suddenly became silent, and I could hear only her tears striking the floor.


My eyes opened as the light seeped through the blinds and onto my face. I stared for a moment at the roof, in complete disbelief. I peered at the bumpy pale yellow ceiling in my one bedroom, one person apartment. I saw my entire life displayed in each ridge, and in each miniscule crevice of the drywall. I sat pondering eternity, pondering life, staring at my buttercup ceiling. I wondered if I should bother to live. I wondered if I should bother to die. I saw my beginning, I saw my end. I squinted, and peered deeper into the ceiling. I saw my life, I recognised my dreams; my ambitions. My eyes focused, and to my dejection, I saw all man.

Our Bloodied Hands: Trying to Hide

Written quickly, uneditted, unsmoothed, raw emotion, raw life.

So, I am just going to outright say what I believe without fear of future damnation by the more "enlightened" members of this fetid wound of a society. I was just watching CBC and another example of the corelations between the Eugenics movement and the Abortion rhetoric of today. In the 19th and 20th century supporting positive and negative Eugenics was status quo, which culminated in the massacre of Jews and many other groups by the National Socialists in Germany. I will give a brief synopsis of what Eugenics is.

The word comes from the Greek Eu meaning good and genus meaning birth or origin. So, through the 19th and 20th century people were strictly regulated by their birth place. The main support for Eugenics was in fact in the US and Canada, but was later adopted by Hitler to whipe out mass amounts of people. Eugenics in the US and Canada led to the segregation of the poor, drunken, "feebleminded", Irish, female (although many feminists of note were Eugenicists as well), etc etc. People with "good pedigree" were encouraged to breed together so that people with "bad traits" like being left handed were bred out of the human race. Mentally handicapped people were sterilized and locked in institutions to ensure that the gene pool was not "tainted". Oh by the way, Tommy Douglas , voted Greatest Canadian wrote his masters thesis on the wonders of Eugenics and sterilization. After Hitler sullied the good name of Eugenics it went underground.

I believe that the new word for Eugenics is Abortion and some cases of Euthenasia. I believe all of these things are merely Euphemisms, see that Eu again, for systematic discrimiination, torture and murder. I have drawn the different correlations between the arguments supporting Eugenics and Abortion in previous papers that have been submitted to my professors at UBC, so I will not spend time elaborating on them save this. As with Eugenics, in which the voice of the state supersedes that of the individual, so in Abortion is the voice of the foetus superseded by voices of society and the parents.

I shall now refocus on my latest outrage which I found on CBC. The CBC endorced the book of an economist who made barbaric claims. He claimed that crime rate has gone down because of abortions. He claimed that because most people who have abortions are in a "lower class" our acceptance of abortion has effectively "nipped the problem" of crime caused by poverty by killing the criminals before they were born. Not only is this the same as the class and racial profiling that Eugenics brings about, but it is also as chilling as the speculation about convicting someone based on forseeing the future as in the Tom Cruise movie, the title eludes me at the moment.

Instead of looking at the future with bogus telepathic abilities, but through family circumstances and genetics. Think of the attrocities that will spring from this enlightened conclusion. If we can just abort those whom we think will become criminals then why don't we just massacre every person who commits any crime becasue they obviously have the crime gene in them. Or, maybe we should just anihiliate poor people. Or, oh oh, oh wait, I am starting to sound like Adolf Hitler now, oh oh wait, abortion and eugenics follow the same reasoning that led to the Holocaust.

I believe in life ladies and gentlemen. I will not raise my hand in violence against any man, woman or child. I have said this and people have asked me whether I would not defend myself or the people I love. To that I was forced to agree, so I do suppose I would defend myself. But, if foetuses are being murdered and other groups are coming up on the chopping block should I not also defend them. Should I not take up arms again this sea of oppression. Oh, the day is coming, when I will put down my pen, stop the arguing and just defend the lives of all the people on this earth. I believe in LIFE, let LIFE be, let it run its course, let the eelderly die in peace without pumping them full of drugs, feeding tubes and ventilators. Let pregnancies come to term, and let those with mental and physical disabilities live as they are. Let them LIVE in LOVE. LOVE!

But how can my words do anything, I am just a crack pot pro-lifer. I say to those who disagree with me, one day the knock will come to your door and you will be told that you are "not fit" to live. I encourage you my reader to read up on the history of Eugenics.

I end with one more comment. If I am wrong I am an immense fool and very stupid, but if those who support abortion and chose death over life, if YOU, if YOU are WRONG then you have the blood of millions on your hands.

Do you have blood on your hands?

We've all got blood on our hands...

God help us...

Thursday, January 05, 2006


"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a robust defense of the nation's post-9/11 domestic eavesdropping program, Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday said the tool is "critical" for U.S. national security." - CNN. Um, *cough* do I really even need to say anything? Seriously though, why is noone talking about this? It's as if the world doesn't care the USA is becoming Totalitar. . . . . . Uh, ERM, I'm sorry, a man just came to my door. . . . . So back to what I was *really* saying, "Long live the national state of America! All hail 'The Leader!"

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bosom Buddy

Drinking Coffee reduces the chances of contracting Breast Cancer..."Huzzuh"...(whilst jubilantly cupping my pectorals) "Hear that Boys, You're gunna be Allllllright".

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Extracts From My Mind on Politics

So, the comment on my last posting made me remember something that I wanted to write about. The Canadian Federal Election. I know that I may be hunted down for saying this, but it is high time that someone pushed Paul Martin down a flight of stairs. Oh no, they've broken through my door already, bah, what will they do ban my nonexistent handguns. Ok, refocusing, this is what I think about politics in Canada at the moment.
A monarchy with Prince William (oh so hot and caring) as King would be most ideal, yet alas this modern day philosopher king shall never come to power in the way that I wish.
Next best would be chaotic anarchy initiated with the launching of EMP bombs in all the major city centres of the world. I am sure that one of my collegues here at the blog will expand on this plan in the future, but suffice to say a return to an agrarian timocracy would be most excellent.
My third option and the first realistic one is the election of a conservative government in Canada. If people would get off their apathetic asses and vote for a party with integrity and democratic values, even admitting falliability by planning to make its MP's and PM accountable to Canada's citizens in its money use, free elections in the house of commons, fiscal responcibility. Ok all I can say is if the conservatives don't win then I am going to vomit. Honestly people, don't be a Canuck Shmuck and vote for Jack Layton for his sex appeal or Paul Martin for his obvious lack of this quality. Also Quebec, just seperate already, and take that dashing yet enigmatically sinister Giles Ducepp with you. Talk about a free ride Ducepp, it must be easy having one issue to campaign on.
The fourth option is that the US annexes Canada politically and finally throws off the facade of economic pimping that has been going on since the 1920's.
The fifth option is for cats to be appointed as our rulers. I have two reasons for this point. First Paul Martin looks like a cat already, so it wouldn't be too drastic of a change. Secondly he could have leaders that could be used for both stew and jackets after they had served a term...oh wait we could do that already. I nice Belinda Stronach jacket might be comfortable. OK now PETA and pretty much every other couth human being just discredited me.
Speaking of Cats, I was in a pet shop the other day and noticed that one could buy any concievable object for one's pet, so why do we not have kitty brothels. I mean cats and dogs have sexual needs, why doesn't our society provide the means for our animals to release this pent up energy. Maybe then there would be less violent dog attacks. Maybe Jack Layton could think up something for this. He is the type to be into the seeing as he was a porn star in a former life. Anywho I think that I have ranted enough.
Spread the news people, randomocity and satire, I desperately need your approval. Please give me a reason to bathe and shave in the morning.
Oh Canada, why are you so dumb
Who wants to get some Thai noodles and not the kind that Jack Layton likes...wink wink.

Brass Monkey

So, I pose a question, what would it take for me to obtain a hyper-intelligent monkey who would cater to my every need?