Friday, April 15, 2005

Michael Jackson

There. Ive said it. Right in the title. I dont need to say anymore now. You all have an opinion of that subject. Whether it be sympathy, rage, or humour. I shoot for the humour one. I mean, cmon, he looks like the Joker from the Batman series. How cant you laugh at him? So my subject today my little Smersh gang, is pop culture. Or it may move on toward something else if I get distracted. I really have a short attention sp.....
Britney Spears is having a baby. Whoop dee freakin' doo. It seems that even when celebrities are "taking a break" from thier "hectic and mad capp" lives the still need to make sure that John Q. Public cares for them. She said she retired from the music biz and is now happily married to that dirtbag. Whatever his name is. I dont follow pop culture that much. It annoys me. And whatever happened to the first dude she married? Man, his 15 seconds went away in about 3. Much like I wish Maroon 5s' would.
So why do celebrities feel the need to stay in the spotlight? Why do they think that we care about their lives? Take Lindsey Lohan, Ashton Kutcher or Madonna. They all love to stir up controversy. Lets take a look at the Queen of media manipulation. Madonna.
Since the very beginning of her career in the early 80s, Madonna always seems to come out on top. No matter what she does. She could kill a man and still be the media darling. Her constantly changing get-ups and religions keep us all who pay attention on our toes. She is now apparently into Kabbalah, a wierd, mystical off shoot of Judaism. She's gone through so many of the worlds religions its really hard to keep track. Catholosim, Buddhism, Hindu, and now Judaism. How many more can she do? Will we see a voodoo Madonna? Thats doubtable.
What can we, the public, do about all these celebrities and their craving for the press and the limelight? I say that if it doesnt effect us personally then who cares? Lindsey Lohan can be going out with Sean Connery for all I care. Its not like theyre going to crash at my house. Perhaps if it was only Lindsey then we would talk,....yes, so who cares?
The only reason for pop culture is too annoy us. If we all ignored it it would die slowly. Let celebrities live thier lives and let us live ours. But people like watching famous people fall. Its in our broken human nature to enjoy it. My advicer to you, my fauns, is to be wary of small people.
Small people always are up to something. Hitler, Napoleon and Stalin were all short and look what happened there. Also my advice to you is to eat cucumbers. Why? Because I said so. So go out, turn off your boob tube and find out about life while munching on a cucumber. And have no fear CC and the philosopher ones will be posting soon so you can stop listening to the crazy man.
My ears flap too much.


Anonymous said...

people just love to hate celebrities. some have no lives of their own, so they live throught the Celebrities. Others just love them because they're so much "better" than them, they can do something they can't, so they love to see them fall on their faces.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think that everyone should kepp their nose out of the Michael Jackson Trial, and for that matter, keep their nose out of all trials.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I dont really think it matters what anyone does, I mean look at Paris Hilton. She hasn't done anything besides being born to the Hilton name.

Anonymous said...

nicely written, flappy ears.

Anonymous said...

yah, no kiddin, whtsup with all of madonnas religions

Anonymous said...

i never liked lindsay lohan. She seems kinda like britney spears before she turned all whorish.

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson did make some good music back in the '80s. You haveta admit. Besides, we've all heard A. Enough about M.J. and B. WAY too many Jokes about Michael Jacksons sexual preferences.

Anonymous said...

i agree. Those jokes are pretty old now.