Monday, March 12, 2007

2 litres

I vaguely remember that somewhere in the Bible it talks about "giving milk to babies, but once a person grows up they should be fed with real food". It is a metaphor, you know, spiritual milk for spiritual babies...I have heard dozens of sermons/belittlements on this topic. They've always confused me. Why is this baby talking to me about his milk? Why does he keep spitting up? and Is that shit I smell?

I've done a lot of writing on what I think of Christian theology. It may seem odd. What is this angry young shmuck going on about? Its all about the milk. If you drink 2 litres of milk you will vomit...people need to stop drinking milk and move onto real food. I once got in trouble at a Bible camp for making kids vomit in a milk chugging contest...think of all the vomitting they will do from the spiritual milk that is pouring out of their eyes. They won't get that out of their system for year, but wait, more will be pouring in. Every sermon, every devotional book and every guilt tripping intervention will pour more and more milk into a system that can't stand anymore. No more fucking milk! Milk is for babies and cows udders...

I want a big fucking steak...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It's probabally where the anti-christian popular sentimentality is issuing from. People feel like they're having God crammed down their throat, but even the "Godly" don't seem to understand, or want to understand God in a greater way.