Monday, December 11, 2006

The Twelve Smells of Christmas

The Twelve Smells of Christmas will be a progressive post if I am witty enough to develop it.

12 murdered pine-trees
11 heretical turkies
10 uncle's special egg nog
9 incontinent snowmen
8 upper class chinese ancestors
7 baked/stoned gingerbread...people (pc)
6 Great Aunt Gladys' perfume
5 holly being kissed beneath the mistletoe...let your imagination flow
4 salt in the wounds of the driveway
3 a real stable in which a woman has just given birth
2 burning wrapping paper
1 uncle's special egg nog revisited

This is just an initial impression of what Christmas smells like...


Altruistic Indemnity said...

"I was confused and made gassy by this Blog."

just kidding... really.
I'm just joshin ya, it really was quite amusing.

Erroneous Monk said...


Anonymous said...

I've had alot of these experiences myself. My inlaws can be pretty boorish.

the philosopher one said...

I must confess the uncle with the egg nog is self referential...well maybe I am projecting a few years in the future. We can only hope!