Friday, January 13, 2006

Our Forefathers Hands


Life was no better at any time in Human history since we left the Garden of Eden than it is now. The history of mankind has followed a logical progression in both the happiness of each individual, and the state of our technology. Were the Human race to be wiped off the face of the Earth, as it was nearly in entirety in the time of Noah, and a new identical breed of Human beings were created, those Human beings would have done just as we had in our history.

The heart of man is essentially dark in that greed is what propels and drives us. At one time, this was a positive quality, It kept us alive, it sustained mankind through our infancy. Greed is the single quality that can be seen throughout our history. The first Human being could not help but to reach up and pick the apple, and his son, in his malice, killed his very brother. Though this quality may have sustained humanity, it has, in fact, become a burden. Greed has gotten in the way of progress with the invention of developed societies, where many millions of us can live where only hundreds did before. This is a flaw in mankind. This is a flaw in ourselves.

Rather than learning to love, we have only been consistent in our hatred of each other. I am, in fact, saying it is impossible to change. I am not, however, saying we should give up, and do nothing. Until this flaw is bred out of us, or given up voluntarily, we will never have the ability to function is large Societies. What is needed, is for us to leave the city, and seek our happiness elsewhere, in the country. Mankind existed for centuries in small societies, tribes, in America and Africa. The same people that adapted to their environment in Europe and Asia, bringing the glories of mercantalism to America and Africa, existed once in small, functioning, hierarchal communities.

Human beings, following the European style of life, have moved into large city centers, and have lost sight of any hope of happiness that our forefathers may have had with the exploration of new lands. Changing the heart of man is a futile endeavor, and this was recognized by even the Saviour of mankind. Human beings have needs that could never be met through life in a City, and this is the reason so many of us feel unfulfilled at the end of our day. We need to work, and we need to feel as though we belong. Contrary to belief, neither of these needs can be met in the City.

It is difficult to imagine how mankind could exist, let alone be happier living outside of Cities, however concittering the nature of human beings, this is not a far- fetched concept. The life of a man is, and always was, a mundane one, only now it is equally as unfulfilled. This unfulfillment came to be through the invention of our technology, and in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, the same technology that 'made us who we are' is to be cast out, along with our will to recreate it. The same human qualities that brought about the creation of these technologies is what is destroying us, not simply the technology. The technology is only a symptom of this issue, and this issue is hopefully what will be dealt with.

Let the people cast out their technology; throw away their television, and persue a greater existence. Let the people leave the City, and live a justified, fulfilled life on the Earth they now destroy in the same persuit, through the invention of technology. Let the people live well, as they were meant to, by God.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment!
The purpose of this 'Article' was simply to show, as you said, that our current lifestyle is quite frivilous and self-defeating.

Though I don't necisarily reccoment the destruction of the western style of life, I do believe we would be happier living in smaller, tightly-knit communities, for instance, small towns. Or even one step up from that, Living with as little technology as possible on a self-sustainable plot of land, for instance a farm, or ranch with only your close family and the Jones' a few miles to the west.

I'm reluctant to say we should live in solitude, concittering the fact that Humans require the company of other Humans, but I honestly do believe we would be better off in small, close-knit, self-sustaining societies, or 'Tribes.' I gave the example of the African tribes, and the American tribes, and I know this style of life wasn't perfect, but I honestly believe it is the best form of Society while keeping in mind the nature of human beings.

Altruistic Indemnity said...

Sorry, that was me.

Erroneous Monk said...

I say we live in waterworld. And everyone has clones of Patrick Swazye. No reason.

the philosopher one said...

Ok, is Sunflower a female? 'cause I want to marry her if she is. Brilliant!

the philosopher one said...

I'm a guy, and I assure you I am kidding. More of a hyperbole to show my utter shock that a female can actually get out of her armchair and have a valid opinion. You may very well be a feminist, but even if you are, you are the type that I respect. Not to sound misogenistic cause guys can be stupid too, well really everone is...especially me...I guess that is the philosophy talking there.

Anonymous said...

very smooth Philo boy. I leave you alone for one minute....

Anonymous said...

andrew, just go jump off a bridge. chicks having valid opinions? i have many, just because politics are somewhat confusing in my mind, doesnt mean my opinions are worthless.

Anonymous said...

jeff, surprising. never in a million years would i expect your blog to be this one. you're an interesting fellow.

Anonymous said...

Kendra, holy shite. That struck me totally off guard- that doesn't happen often, I wish it did. I feel like I'm missing out on something.
Never expected to get a comment from you of all people. But it's a pleasant surprise.
That's an awfully odd, cryptic message though; and I certainly know odd.
You're gonna have to explain this one to me or I'll work myself into an aneurism trying to figure it out, lol.
The thin veil that seperates truth from lie, mendacity from veracity IS indeed fascinating, as a baby I was a blonde, and the obscene amounts of comma splices, honestly cracked me up, I wholeheartedly agree.
You're an interesting gal...

And as for the rest of you; Andy, I leave you alone for just a moment, and you bring down the combined wrath of all womankind on our heads. I swear, no one manages to attract more righteous anger than you, I love it, lol.

Anonymous said...

-The speaker crackles as a southern voice breaks through the static-
Hello, I am Mr. Anonymous (Try to figure out who I am, please, I want to watch you all and chuckle quietly while you point figers at eachother.) As I was saying, I am, indeed, Mr. Anonymous Blog Browser that very few of you, indeed, know. Please, Please! Just call me Anon! Anyhow, I do speculate that this "Andy" has a 'berry, berry bad wuv wife,' and that 'Sunflower' is actully Jen, or a close friend that there of. Furthermore, I do say that the rest of you have caca lips, and are a bunch of No-Life Tanzanians. Aye, aye, Tanzanians. I'm Shocked As well! Well, my Southern Hospitality forces me to pander to all the women here and say that I hereby challenge this Philosopher fellow to a duel. Nothing too serious, just an old-fashioned pistol duel outside the old plantation, if you care to come over to me. Other than that, chap, we can both keep a good eye out for that 'ol Sun flower babe, Yee Haw! No, really though, friend, I do bessech you to take 'er back to the 'ol 55 and tie 'er to the train tracks, *hic hic,* those things can't stop on a dime, don't ya' know! Then we can hide up in the bushes for that go' dern'in yankee cowboy to come 'n untie 'er! Pow, Pow! we'll get them meddlin' kids this time! Yee Haw! Then we can go back to the 'ol oil donkey 'n drink some fine Kentucke' bourbon 'n shoot the night away! Yee Haw, Yippie Caiay! And as for this other fellow, I don't rightly know what 'punk rock' is, but I tell'ya it's no good! Go eat some Caca, ya dern Yankee outlaw! Now, back to my 'ol proposition, we 'oughtta get this Yankee right in the 'ol donkey foot! Yee Haw! And as for the rest 'o you yankee's, I'm a tellin' ya' right now to beat it outta Kentucke'! And the rest 'a ya' womens libbers can go straight to the back a ma' barn for a good 'ol fashioned Ho down! That goes for the rest 'a you Tanzanians too! Yee Haw! Ho down! I beat you couldn't hit the 'ol side of a barn door with a Cat 'o nine tails! Yippie Caiay! Yee Ha! Ya'll take care 'o yourselves, ya'ere? Except for you, 'Andy' your gettin' a good 'ol shotgun weddin'! Yee Haw! I just love cake! After that, you 'n this 'Sun Flower' fellow can 'ave a Shotgun Honeymoon! Yee Haw! That'll be a fun one! You *will* look into eachothers eyes, and you *will* like it, ya 'ere? Oh, Right, I almost forgot, When you two 're done there, Sun Flower can cook me up some Fried Chicken! My I'm Hungry! Now you all better get along you cotton pickin' yankee doodle dandies! Yee Haw! I just *love* my generic southern accent! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Altruistic Indemnity said...

I don't see any reason why women can't have valid oppinions, however I have to agree with Andrew that many women are a little up tight. There is a line between womens liberation and femenism that was crossed long, long ago. I think we need to be very careful not to cross that line, and the same applies for the men here as well.

This website is a place for miscillanious musings, and is not intended to be used as a means for arguement (keeping in mind the essential differences between an argument and an intelligent discussion.) Andrews poor use of words, and the other immature, femmenistic, chouvanistic, socialist, and fascist statements that have been made on this blog are permissable, but I ask you only to keep in mind the nature of this blog.

"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together and love one another right now!"

Anonymous said...

No life Tanzanians?
Deary me, Justin I daresay you've stumbled into my secret stash while I wasn't looki- oh, er wait.
I don't have a stash, right...
No stash.
What're you all looking at me like that for?! What is this the freaking McCarthy trials?!
Yeah, that'll do, that'll do nicely. Wait, did I say that out loud?! I've gotta think of a line fast!
*clop *clop *clop
*engine starting*...

Altruistic Indemnity said...

I didn't post that, however i do like the Train Track idea.

Erroneous Monk said...

Firstly, this is not a message board. And secondly dont you people have something to do? This blog was started by yours truly and will die by my hand. Ergo, i need more canned fruit.

Altruistic Indemnity said...

I don't know much about the bizarre mating rituals of University students, but I'd sure like to know what you all thought of my post.

the philosopher one said...

Ok, I am misunderstood. I do not think that women cannot have opinions and be generally more intelligent than men. I was merely making a jab at mindless feminists and mindless misogenists afterwards. Mayhaps I should clarify this all sometime, but I really am more about real equality. I was trashing armchair feminists which are numerous and unthoughtful. In sum, armchair feminists are feminists that want to have there cake and eat it too. There are many good and thoughful feminist that are probably much more articulate and intelligent than myself. I could get into the history of women's suffrage which is full of many heroins that I look up to very much.

I have no idea who this anonymous southern dandy is, but he can duel with his own pistol as much as he wants. I am quite against killing people just as a general rule even if I am being aggravated by some plantation-owning, pretentious, pig lover.

Gee can't someone joke around and be serious at the same time.

the philosopher one said...

And why the hell is my name being used? I am sure someone will slander my name pretty soon and then send me death threats.

Ok, I re-read some stuff, you guys put words in my mouth. Read for content kiddies and read alllllll the words in a sentence even if it is seperated by comma or even a semi-colon with dependant and independant clauses and so on and so forth.

Erroneous Monk said...

Drat. There goes THAT idea. I enjoy beinbg anonymous and odd. Saves from being sued. YAAAY SOCIALISM! AKA NDP! Layton looks like Lenin.

Altruistic Indemnity said...

Heh, John, your not "Mr. Anonymous," but how do I know this... *cough* um, ok, yeah, sure Johm, your Mr. Anonymous, *cough* yes, thats it. . . . . *CHEESE IT*

Erroneous Monk said...

Death to the bourgosie and whatnot. I'll have a white russian.

Anonymous said...

the pro-czarist russians who fought the 'red russians' following the communist led rebellion in russia. If you know anyhting about 21st century history; you'll know who won...
Justin, how do oyu know about 'CHEESE IT!'
Ahhh, yes, well, that's our 'catch-all, running away phrase.
Welcome to the club.

Erroneous Monk said...

I love Russian history and no sunshine doll, i dont make sense. The others on this thing are the "serious" ones. I just prattle on about whatever i feel like. Dont you like? YOU MIND WORKING FOR A KILLER!?! IM EX-KGB!

Erroneous Monk said...

Perhaps...perhaps...or maybe there will be many random killings eh? Perhaps I'll take over the Russian Mob. What about that?

Anonymous said...

I'll put on the borscht.

Anonymous said...

I shall enjoy the fateful dance, the conclusion of which will determine the ruler of the world.
A race from Sussex to Westchester perhaps? By hot air balloon you say? Why, what a novel idea!
We shall be off tommorrow at dawn!
Queen Victoria herself, will drop the checkered flag!
The world, and a soft, unfettered landing awaits the winner; and the loser, nothing more than one final thump! Away!
For on the morrow- WE RACE!

Erroneous Monk said...

I put it down to off balanced humours myself. EX-KGB!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i've never before heard of anyone so eager to be runover by a train...

Erroneous Monk said...

CHOO-CHOO! I'm like superman cept less fast and impervious to bullets.

Anonymous said...

On the business end of one final thump, I would imagine.......