Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Insatiable Indulgence

The American Dream is a dream of a greater life, a life of wealth and riches, luxury and indulgence. Every one of us is the elite of tomorrow, every one of us believes we will be something tomorrow. This idea is fueled by Capitalism, and our will for more. It is humanity. Greed is all that has been with us since the dawn of man, and without greed, humanity would have no reason to invent. It is greed that propels us, it is greed that drives us. It is greed that feeds us. We have this dream of a greater life, a life in which we are the elite. This dream is what corrodes our soul, and mutilates our being. It bears down on our soul, it weakens our constitution, and at last, when we can no longer resist its will, when we can no longer stand its weight, we collapse, and find ourselves content in our miscontentment. We come to our knees, and find ourselves alive in death, we find ourselves envious of those who we should have been. We hide in their shadows of illusion, fearful that we will never be what we had dreamed, we will never be what we should have. We hide in their shadow, behind a facade of fallacy, and illusion. Our illusion is possession. We buy to appear to be the greater, what we still believe ourselves to be. We wallow in the destruction of others, the take pleasure in knowing that others are worse, impoverished, beaten, and crushed. We build ourselves up while tearing others down, We derive pride from the annihilation of others, devastation is our bane. We ravage our souls, and massacre our humanity. We give up all that is good and righteous, and willingly nullify all that is charitable and upright. We are the middle class. We are the discontent. We are the patricians of tomorrow.


Erroneous Monk said...

I can tie my own shoes.

the philosopher one said...

I thought that it was swell, like a wave in the ocean, salty and has a wicked riptide that drags you right back into it. Unavoidable logic, let's become anarchists.

Anonymous said...

Good Justin. It's good.