Thursday, July 21, 2005

Technology and Tropical London (Rancid)

For over a thousand years, when people were seen gesturing and yelling at apparently nothing they were labelled as insane. Or a witch. Either way you were basically kicked out of the community to die a lonely and crazy death. But with the advent of the cell phone those days are long passed. Now we medicate the crazy people. Or give them a computer, a blog and enough coffee to kill a bull moose. Come follow me on the wild rainbow coloured bridge that is this Turkey shoot.
Cell phones now are abundant. Everywhere you look theres adds for family plans or being free from the catch or roll-over minutes or whatever else. The first cell phones were gigantic bricks. Wieghed about 3 pounds and got horrible reception. Only the rich or the stupid would buy them to show thier statues in society. As the times changed so did the phones. Car phones were made because hey, whats more important your life going 75 kmh or your 30 second phone call to your wife on what your going to have for supper?
Then finally the hands-free devices came along and the phones got smaller and smaller. Now they're just inserted into your ear like something see outta that movie I, Robot. Now people clame that cell phones cause brain cancer. I dont know when did I become a radialogist? IF the do then its an incredibly small amount. Unless you got the Nuclear Powered Cell phone Im pretty sure your safe.
So whats to become of our i-Pod, Blackberry, Cell phone the size of your pinky, electric car society? Very little I imagine. There will always be "better" ways to go through your life with the help of doo-dadds and gizmos. Theres an infommercial about this robot that cleans your floor with the help of magnets. Looks like a ball in a cake pan. But maybe soon we'll all be living in a Star Wars/Trek exsistence with light speed, astromech droids and phasers. I wish I had a phaser. My point is, if I can remember correctly, is that technology will improve our lives with more "necessary" ways to do business. Tellers to ATMs, 8-tracks to MP3s, computers to ...smaller, faster computers. Technology is niether good nor bad. It can be annoying all round because if you dont have the latest stuff, well, your nobody.
My eyebrows are smuggling drugs.


Erroneous Monk said...


Anonymous said...

your [you're] nobody

Erroneous Monk said...

you'll get yours