Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lyrics and Lithium

I like music. It makes me happy. Or angry depending on the tone. But it seems that some songs have no lyrics and are just noise. Yes, yes I know what you're thinking. "But oh great pretty one, should I have toast? " The answer of course lies in any Chuck Norris film. Some might say rock and its divisons are nothing but noise. Some rock songs are truly poetry. While others dwell no more deeper then an ant in pudding. Case in point Maroon 5.
The topic of this blog is, as I have stated, lyrics. THere are some songs that I'm fairly certain are completely bat-plop insane. The first being 'Louie Louie' by the Kingsmen. What the deuce are they going on about? Granted it was the 50's and rock was just stumbling onto the scene but even then songs usually had intelligable lyrics other then 'Louie louie, oh baby we gotta go'. I put it down to booze. Not that booze hinders. But it does reduce ones way of coveying a message.
Another song I'd like you all to listen to is 'Even Flow' by Pearl Jam. If one person on this wide web can give me the exact lyrics to that song, that doesn't contradict to another version I will give them all the money in my pocket. 'Even Flow' is pretty much Eddie Veder stumbling into a recording studio and cranking out a song. Not that its a bad song mind you. It just has no lyrics other the 'Even FLOOOOOOOOW'.
In todays music, lyrics are trying to be all imagery. If you read the lyrics from Green Days 'American Idiot' album you'll find alot of nuances and hidden messages. Mostly about how they hate Dubya. Going back a bit to a project band, Temple of the Dog, thier song 'Wooden Jesus' is a satire of why it costs money to purchase a religious icon and the irony behind that. Most Nirvana songs are like that. Nirvana came at the right time in history when a generation of young people were moody and searching. And lyrics from all thier albums convey a message of the same. Thats why it relates so well to people no matter where they are in life.
There are plenty of other songs that the lyrics either make little sense or none at all (IE Peaches by Presidents of the United States of America) or a combination of loud guitars and drugs. But is it better to have non-sensical lyrics or shallow ones? TOO DEEP TOO DEEP! PULL OUT! These questions will continue to be until I see fit to answer them. If there are other songs that you're pretty sure have no lyrics, by all means comment them. But if you're that pushy Rogers guy again, I will consume you in a ball of fire. Goodness gracious. Oh and before I forget, does anyone else think that the lead singer of the band Godsmack, Sully, is singing "Speak the truth, or make you're pee some other way"? Just me I guess.
Jack White is scratching at my door.